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George, D. K, J. Y Chen, Yunfen He, J. R Knab, and A. G Markelz. Functional-State Dependence Of Picosecond Protein Dynamics. J. Phys. Chem. B 125, no. 40 (2021): 11134-11140. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c05018.
Xu, M., D. George, R. Jimenez, and A. Markelz. Photo-Switching Of Protein Dynamical Collectivity. Photonics 8 (2021). doi:10.3390/photonics8080302.
Romo, T. D, A. Grossfield, and A. G Markelz. Persistent Protein Motions In A Rugged Energy Landscape Revealed By Normal Mode Ensemble Analysis. Journal Of Chemical Information And Modeling 60 (2020): 6419-6426. doi:10.1021/acs.jcim.0c00879.
Sharma, A., D. K George, K. Crossen, J. McKinney, C. Kerfeld, and A. Markelz. Is The Protein Dynamical Transition Useful?. Biophysical Journal 118, no. 3 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2019.11.2866.
McKinney, J., A. Sharma, Y. Deng, D. George, S. Lechno-Yossef, C. Kerfeld, and A. Markelz. Stabilization Of Terahertz Vibrational Modes In Illuminated Orange Carotenoid Protein Crystals. 2020 45Th International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves (Irmmw-Thz). Buffalo, NY, 2020. doi:10.1109/IRMMW-THz46771.2020.9370827.
LaFave, T., A. Lee, T.-Y. Kao, and A. Markelz. Thz Transmission Through Submillimeter Apertures. Irmmw-Thz. Buffalo NY, 2020. doi:10.1109/IRMMW-THz46771.2020.9370923.
Deng, Y., K. Niessen, and A. Markelz. Angular Distortion Removal Of Thz Anisotropic Dichroism Microscope. 2019 44Th International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves. Paris, France, 2019. doi:10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2019.8873793.
McKinney, J., Y. T Deng, A. Sharma, D. K George, and A. G Markelz. Anisotropic Terahertz Microscopy Of Protein Collective Vibrations: Crystal Symmetry And Hydration Dependence. 2019 44Th International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves. New York: Ieee, 2019. doi:
Deng, Y. T, J. McKinney, and A. Markelz. Deuteration And Inhibitor Binding Dependence Of Protein Collective Vibrations. Biophysical Journal 116 (2019): 488A-488A. doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2018.11.2633.
McKinney, J. A, Y. T Deng, D. George, and A. Markelz. The Effect Of Crystal Contact Forces On The Protein Global Motions. Biophysical Journal 116 (2019): 489A-489A. doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2018.11.2638.
Niessen, K., Y. T Deng, and A. G Markelz. Near-Field Thz Micropolarimetry. Optics Express 27 (2019): 28036-28047. doi:
Deng, Y. T, J. McKinney, T. Romo, A. Grossfield, and A. Markelz. Spectral Assignment Of Lysozyme Collective Vibrations. Biophysical Journal 116 (2019): 564A-564A. doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2018.11.3032.
LaFave, Jr., T., D. K George, A. G Markelz, Ian McNee, Vladimir Kozlov, and Peter Schunemann. Stationary Sample Anisotropic Thz Spectroscopy Using Discretely Tunable Thz Sources. 2019 44Th International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves, 2019. doi:
George, D. K, T. J LaFave, A. G Markelz, I. McNee, P. Tekavec, V. Kozlov, and P. Schunemann. Tunable Compact Narrow Band Thz Sources For Frequency Domain Thz Anisotropic Spectroscopy. Conference On Next-Generation Spectroscopic Technologies Xii. Baltimore, MD: Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering, 2019. doi:
McNee, I., P. Tekavec, V. Kozlov, A. G Markelz, D. K George, and P. Schunemann. Tunable Narrowband Thz Generation In Orientation Patterned Gallium Phosphide For Thz Anisotropy Identification. Nonlinear Frequency Generation And Conversion: Materials And Devices Xviii. Bellingham: Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering, 2019. doi:
Deng, Yanting, Mengyang Xu, Katherine A Niessen, Deepu Koshy George, and Andrea G Markelz. Terahertz Light Fingerprints Biomolecular Dynamics. Cleo: Science And Innovations. Optical Society of America, 2018. doi:
George, D. K, A. G Markelz, I. McNee, P. Tekavec, V. Kozlov, and P. Schunemann. Thz Anisotropy Identification Using Tunable Compact Narrow Band Thz Sources. 2018 43Rd International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves. New York: Ieee, 2018. doi:
Dhillon, S. S, M. S Vitiello, E. H Linfield, A. G Davies, M. C Hoffmann, J. Booske, C. Paoloni, et al.. The 2017 Terahertz Science And Technology Roadmap. Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics 50 (2017): 49. doi:
Niessen, K. A, E. Snell, and A. G Markelz. Measurements And Calculations Of Protein Intramolecular Vibrations In The Thz Range. 2014 39Th International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves. New York: Ieee, 2014. doi:10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2014.6956080.
Acbas, G., K. A Niessen, E. H Snell, and A. G Markelz. Optical Measurements Of Long-Range Protein Vibrations. Nature Communications 5 (2014): 7. doi:
Xu, M. Y, D. K George, R. Jimenez, and A. G Markelz. Probing The Stability Of Fluorescent Proteins By Terahertz Spectroscopy. 2014 39Th International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves. New York: Ieee, 2014. doi:
George, D. K, and A. G Markelz. Protein Dielectric Response At Terahertz Frequencies: Correlated And Diffusive Contributions. In Terahertz Biomedical Science And Technology. Vol. edited by Joo Huik Son . Taylor and Francis , 2014. doi:10.1201/b17060 .
Acbas, G., K. A Niessen, D. K George, E. Snell, and A. G Markelz. Measuring Phonons In Protein Crystals. Ultrafast Phenomena And Nanophotonics Xvii. Bellingham: Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering, 2013. doi:
George, Deepu K, Joseph R Knab, Yunfen He, Masato Kumauchi, Robert R Birge, Wouter D Hoff, and Andrea G Markelz. Photoactive Yellow Protein Terahertz Response: Hydration, Heating And Intermediate States. Ieee Transactions On Terahertz Science And Technology 3 (2013): 288-294. doi:
George, D. K, and A. G Markelz. Terahertz Spectroscopy Of Liquids And Biomolecules. In Terahertz Spectroscopy And Imaging, 229-250. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2013. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29564-5_9.
Lipps, F., S. Levy, and A. G Markelz. Hydration And Temperature Interdependence Of Protein Picosecond Dynamics. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (2012): 6375-6381. doi:
Ellis, C. T, A. V Stier, D. K George, J. G Tischler, E. R Glaser, R. L Myers-Ward, J. L Tedesco, et al.. Multi-Component Response In Multilayer Graphene Revealed Through Terahertz And Infrared Magneto-Spectroscopy. 37Th International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves. Wollongong, Australia, 2012. doi:10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2012.6380102.
Acbas, G., E. Snell, and A. G Markelz. Orientation Sensitive Terahertz Resonances Observed In Protein Crystals. 2012 37Th International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves. New York: Ieee, 2012. doi:
Markelz, A. G. Terahertz / Far Infrared Spectroscopy: Protein Dynamics. In Encyclopedia Of Biophysics. Vol. ed. Gordon C. K. Roberts. Springer, 2012.
Falconer, Robert J, and Andrea G Markelz. Terahertz Spectroscopic Analysis Of Peptides And Proteins. Journal Of Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves 33 (2012): 973-988. doi:
He, Yunfen, J-Y Chen, Joseph R Knab, Wenjun Zheng, and Andrea G Markelz. Evidence Of Protein Collective Motions On The Picosecond Timescale. Biophysical Journal 100 (2011): 1058-1065. doi:
Stier, A. V, D. George, A. G Markelz, and J. Cerne. Magneto Optical Polarization Measurements Using Thz Polarization Modulation Spectroscopy. 2011 36Th International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves. New York: Ieee, 2011. doi:10.1364/JOSAB.29.001406.
Liang, W., Y. F He, D. George, and A. G Markelz. The Role Of The Protein Surface On The Local Biological Water Dynamics. Biosensing Ii. Bellingham: Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering, 2009. doi:
He, Yunfen, and Andrea G Markelz. The Role Of Structure In The Protein Dynamical Transition. 2008 33Rd International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter And Terahertz Waves. IEEE, 2008. doi:
Markelz, Andrea G. Terahertz Dielectric Sensitivity To Biomolecular Structure And Function. Ieee Journal Of Selected Topics In Quantum Electronics 14 (2008): 180-190. doi:
Song, J. W, N. A Kabir, Y. Kawano, K. Ishibashi, G. R Aizin, L. Mourokh, J. L Reno, A. G Markelz, and J. P Bird. Terahertz Response Of Quantum Point Contacts. Applied Physics Lettersapplied Physics Lettersapplied Physics Letters 92 (2008): 3. doi:
Markelz, A. G, J.-Y. Chen, J. R Knab, Y. He, and S. Ye. Development Of Tagless Biosensors For Detecting The Presence Of Pathogens. In Terahertz Frequency Detection And Identification Of Materials And Objects, ed X.-C. Zhang, R. E. Miles, H. Eisele and A. Krotkus:123-134. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 2007.
Markelz, Andrea G, Joseph R Knab, Jing Yin Chen, and Yunfen He. Protein Dynamical Transition In Terahertz Dielectric Response. Chemical Physics Letters 442, no. 4 (2007): 413 - 417. doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2007.05.080.
Chen, J. Y, J. R Knab, S. J Ye, Y. F He, and A. G Markelz. Terahertz Dielectric Assay Of Solution Phase Protein Binding. Applied Physics Letters 90 (2007): 3. doi:10.1063/1.2748852.
Knab, Joseph R, Jing-Yin Chen, Yunfen He, and Andrea G Markelz. Terahertz Measurements Of Protein Relaxational Dynamics. Proceedings Of The Ieee 95 (2007): 1605-1610. doi:10.1109/JPROC.2007.898906.
Knab, Joseph, Jing-Yin Chen, and Andrea Markelz. Hydration Dependence Of Conformational Dielectric Relaxation Of Lysozyme. Biophysical Journal 90 (2006): 2576-2581. doi:10.1529/biophysj.105.069088.
Knab, Joseph R, Jing-Yin Chen, Shuji Ye, Yunfen He, and Andrea G Markelz. Protein Conformational Dynamics Measured With Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy. 2006 Joint 31St International Conference On Infrared Millimeter Waves And 14Th International Conference On Teraherz Electronics. IEEE, 2006. doi:
Ye, S., J. Knab, J.-Y. Chen, S. Wang, M. Cheon, H. Luo, and A. G Markelz. Ultrafast Carriers Dynamics In Gasb/Mn Random Alloys. Proceedings Of The 28Th International Conference On The Physics Of Semiconductors. Vienna Austria, 2006. doi:10.1063/1.2730382.
Chen, J.-Y., J. R Knab, S. Ye, Y. He, and A. G Markelz. Using Terahertz Spectroscopy As A Protein Binding Assay. Advanced Biomedical And Clinical Diagnostic Systems Iv;. San Jose, California, United States, 2006. doi:10.1117/12.664098.
Knab, Joseph, Binni Shah, Jing-Yin Chen, and Andrea Markelz. Critical Hydration And Temperature Effects On Terahertz Biomolecular Sensing. Chemical And Biological Standoff Detection Iii. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2005. doi:10.1117/12.630854.
Markelz, A. G, J. R Knab, and J. Y Chen. Protein Dynamics Studies Using Terahertz Dielectric Response. Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society 230 (2005): U347-U348. doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2007.05.080.
Chen, J.-Y., J. Cerne, and A. G Markelz. Biosensing With Terahertz Spectroscopy: Ligand Binding Effects. Proceedings Of The International Symposium On Spectral Sensing Research . Santa Barbara, CA, 2003.
Wolpert, D, K Korolev, S Sachs, J Knab, W Cox, J Cerne, A.G Markelz, T Zhao, R Ramesh, and B.H Moeckly. Direct Measurements Of Optical Phonons In Srtio3 Nanosystems. Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems And Nanostructures 19, no. 1 (2003): 236 - 239. doi:10.1016/S1386-9477(03)00305-9.
Wolpert, D., W. Cox, J. Cerne, A. Markelz, T. Zhao, and R. Ramesh. Finite Size Effects In Ferroelectric Nanosystems: Absence Of Mode Softening. 2003 Nanotechnology Conference And Trade Show - Nanotech. San Francisco, CA, 2003.
Markelz, A. G, and S. E Whitmire. Terahertz Applications To Biomolecular Sensing. International Journal Of High Speed Electronics And Systems 13, no. 4 (2003). doi:10.1142/S0129156403002101.
Markelz, Andrea G, and Scott E Whitmire. Terahertz Applications To Biomolecular Sensing. International Journal Of High Speed Electronics And Systems 13 (2003): 951-967. doi:
Chen, J.-Y., W. Cox, F. V Bright, J. Cerne, and A. G Markelz. Terahertz Biosensors Based On Xerogel Substrates. Proceedings Of The International Symposium On Spectral Sensing Research. Santa Barbara, CA, 2003.
Chen, J.-Y., S. E Whitmire, A. G Markelz, J. R Hillebrecht, and R. R Birge. Ultrafast Thz Spectroscopy Of Photoactive Biomolecules. Ultrafast Phenomena In Semiconductors Vii. San Jose, California, 2003.
Markelz, Andrea, Scott Whitmire, Jay Hillebrecht, and Robert Birge. Thz Time Domain Spectroscopy Of Biomolecular Conformational Modes. Physics In Medicine & Biology 47 (2002): 3797. doi:
Whitmire, S., A. G Markelz, J. R Hillebrecht, and R. R Birge. Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy Of The M Intermediate State Of Bacteriorhodopsin. Proceedings Of The 26Th International Conference On Infrared And Millimeter Waves. Toulouse, France, 2001.
Markelz, A. G. High Field Pulsed Terahertz Measurements Of Nonlinear Conductivity. Nonlinear Optics: Materials, Fundamentals, And Applications. Kaua'i-Lihue, HI, USA, 2000. doi:10.1109/NLO.2000.883591.
Markelz, A. G, and E. G Gwinn. Nonlinear Response Of Quantum-Confined Electrons In Nonparabolic Subbands. Journal Of Applied Physics 80 (1996): 2533-2535. doi:10.1063/1.363040.
Wanke, M. C, A. G Markelz, K. Unterrainer, S. J Allen, and R. Bhatt. Third Harmonic Generation In A Gaas/Algaas Superlattice In The Bloch Oscillator Regime. In Hot Carriers In Semiconductors, eds. Hess, Karl, Leburton, J.P., Ravaioli, U.:161-163. New York, NY: Plenum Press, 1996.
Sherwin, M. S, K. Craig, B. Galdrikian, J. Heyman, A. Markelz, K. Campman, S. Fafard, P. F Hopkins, and A. Gossard. Nonlinear Quantum Dynamics In Semiconductor Quantum-Wells. Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena 83 (1995): 229-242. doi:10.1016/0167-2789(94)00266-S.
Wanke, M. C, A.G. Markelz, K. Unterrainer, S. J Allen, and R. Bhatt. Third Harmonic Generation In A Gaas/Algaas Superlattice In The Bloch Oscillator Regime. Proceedings Of The International Conference On Hot Carriers In Seminconductors. Chicago, IL, 1995.
Asmar, N. G, A. G Markelz, E. G Gwinn, P. F Hopkins, and A. C Gossard. Energy Relaxation At Thz Frequencies In Alxga1-Xas Heterostructures. Semiconductor Science And Technology 9 (1994): 828-830. doi:10.1088/0268-1242/9/5S/116.
Craig, K., C. L Felix, J. N Heyman, A. G Markelz, M. S Sherwin, K. L Campman, P. F Hopkins, and A. C Gossard. Far-Infrared Saturation Spectroscopy Of A Single Square-Well. Semiconductor Science And Technology 9 (1994): 627-629. doi:10.1088/0268-1242/9/5S/061.
Markelz, A. G, N. G Asmar, E. G Gwinn, M. S Sherwin, C. Nguyen, and H. Kroemer. Subcubic Power Dependence Of 3Rd-Harmonic Generation For Inplane, Far-Infrared Excitation Of Inas Quantum-Wells. Semiconductor Science And Technology 9 (1994): 634-637. doi: