from __future__ import print_function #for compatability between python 2.7 and python 3 #!/usr/bin/python by Nigel S. Michki #usage: nmwizConverter filename1.pdb filename2.out proteinName #returns: file in .nmd format which can be read by Normal Mode Wiz and used #to generate a series of movies depicting motions for each normal mode in VMD. #System imports import sys #other imports import os from tkinter import * from tkinter.filedialog import * from tkinter.simpledialog import askstring #Local (nmwizConverter) imports from mode import Mode from atom import Atom #isInt checks to see that a string translates to an integer. #This function is needed to correctly parse to mode.out file. def isInt(inString): try: int(inString) return True except ValueError: return False #No longer need 4 arguments ##Check for correct number of command line arguments #if len(sys.argv) != 4: # print("Error; wrong number of command line arguments.") # print("usage: nmwizConverter filename1.pdb filename2.out name_of_protein") #Global variables #root things if len(sys.argv) == 4: pdbFilename = sys.argv[1] modeFilename = sys.argv[2] proteinName = sys.argv[3] nmdFilename = proteinName + ".nmd" else: root = Tk() root.withdraw()#delete the box or something #selecting files import ctypes # An included library with Python install. ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxA(0, b"Please select .pdb file", b"PDB File" , 1) pdbFilename = askopenfilename(filetypes = (('pdb files','*.pdb'),('all files','*.*'))) import ctypes # An included library with Python install. ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxA(0, b"Please select .out file", b"OUT File" , 1) modeFilename = askopenfilename(filetypes = (('out files','*.out'),('all files','*.*'))) proteinName = askstring("NMD Name","Enter desired name for NMD file") nmdFilename = proteinName + ".nmd" import ctypes # An included library with Python install. ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxA(0, b"Please select output directory for .nmd file", b"NMD File", 1) #ask for output directory filedir = askdirectory() atoms = [] ###BEGIN HEAVY LIFTING### #Read .pdb file and create Atom objects with corresponding data from file with open(pdbFilename) as pdbFile: pdbLines = pdbFile.readlines() for line in pdbLines: words = str.split(line) if len(words) < 1: pass elif words[0] == "ATOM": newAtom = Atom() newAtom.resID = words[1] newAtom.atomName = words[2] newAtom.resName = words[3] newAtom.coordinates = [words[5], words[6], words[7]] newAtom.bFactor = words[9] newAtom.tag = words[10] atoms.append(newAtom) #Read .out file add corresponding mode data from file to existing Atom objects with open(modeFilename) as modeFile: modeLines = modeFile.readlines() currentModeNumber = 0 currentModeFrequency = 0.0 for line in modeLines: words = str.split(line) if len(words) < 1: pass elif words[0] == "VIBRATION": currentModeNumber = words[2] currentModeFrequency = words[4] elif words[0] == 'VIBRATION' and not isInt(words[2]): currentModeNumber = list(words[1])[4] + list(words[1])[5] +list(words[1])[6] + list(words[1])[7] currentModeFrequency = words[3] elif isInt(words[0]) and currentModeNumber != 0 and len(words) == 7: newMode = Mode() newMode.number = currentModeNumber newMode.frequency = currentModeFrequency newMode.atomNumber = words[0] newMode.vector = [words[4], words[5], words[6]] atoms[int(newMode.atomNumber) - 1].modes.append(newMode) #Assemble data into printable strings printTheseLines = [] printTheseLines.append("nmwiz_load" + " " + proteinName + ".nmd") printTheseLines.append("name" + " " + proteinName) atomNames = "" resNames = "" resIDs = "" chainIDs = "" bFactors = "" coordinates = "" for atom in atoms: atomNames = atomNames + atom.atomName + " " resNames = resNames + atom.resName + " " resIDs = resIDs + atom.resID + " " chainIDs = chainIDs + "A" + " " bFactors = bFactors + atom.bFactor + " " coordinates = coordinates + atom.printCoordinates() + " " printTheseLines.append("atomnames" + " " + atomNames) printTheseLines.append("resnames" + " " + resNames) printTheseLines.append("resids" + " " + resIDs) printTheseLines.append("chainids" + " " + chainIDs) printTheseLines.append("bfactors" + " " + bFactors) printTheseLines.append("coordinates" + " " + coordinates) numberOfLinesBeforeModes = len(printTheseLines) numberOfModes = len(atoms[0].modes) for i in range(0, numberOfModes): printTheseLines.append("mode" + " " + str(atoms[0].modes[i].number) + " " + str(atoms[0].modes[i].frequency) + " ") for atom in atoms: for mode in atom.modes: printTheseLines[numberOfLinesBeforeModes + int(mode.number) - 1] += ( mode.printMode() + " ") #import some more things for gui #select output directory #Write .nmd file with printable strings with open(os.path.join(filedir,nmdFilename), "wt") as nmdFile: for line in printTheseLines: print(line, file=nmdFile) import ctypes # An included library with Python install. ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxA(0, b"Success =]", b"NMD File", 1) print("Output written to " + nmdFilename) ###END HEAVY LIFTING - phew###