Microwave - Terahertz Optics
- Klystron
- Magnetron
- Cavity Magnetron |
- HyperPhysics Page |
- Gun Oscillator
- Molecular Gas Laser
- Free Electron Laser
- Photoconductive Mixer
- Photoconductive Switch (Auston switch)
- Electro- optic
- Bolometer
- Pyro electric
- Golay Cell
- Photoconductive Switch (Auston Switch)
- Electro Optic
Minimum Competence Project
Why are minimum competence standards necessary? Because students, future instructors and future employers have a right to know that a grade on a transcript means something. This part of our web pages will be devoted to developing minimum competence expectations coming into a course and passing a course.
Minimum Mathematical Competence Expectations for Incoming Introductory Physics StudentsPHY107: Introductory Mechanics Our expectations are based on Regents diploma in New York State and Common Core. Skill Review Resources for Students - Students are expected to have competence on all topics on this page. Test yourself with the “see recommended skills” link Regents Mathematics Exams - Common Core Learning Standards for Mathematics PHY108: Introductory Electro Magnetism Our expectations are based on PHY141: Introductory Calculus offered at University at Buffalo. This is a co-requisite for PHY107, and therefore a prerequisite for PHY108. See a typical syllabus here. Skill Review Resources for Students: