Results on Online Teaching Resources Survey


Prof. Markelz was a participant in a recent survey run by Babson College on use of online resources by faculty.

Results were recently published:Opening the Textbook: Educational Resources in U.S. Higher Education, 2015-16 from the BSRG web site: 

Some of the key findings:


  • The most common factor cited by faculty when selecting educational resources was the cost to the students. After cost, the next most common was the comprehensiveness of the resource, followed by how easy it was to find.
  • There is a serious disconnect between how many faculty include a factor in selecting educational resources and how satisfied they are with the state of that factor. For example, faculty are least satisfied with the cost of textbooks, yet that is the most commonly listed factor for resource selections.

The study also examined awareness of Open Educational Resources (OER), and found that faculty awareness has increased but remains low, with 25% of faculty reporting that they were aware, up from 20% last year.