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Knab, Joseph R, Jing-Yin Chen, Yunfen He, and Andrea G Markelz. Terahertz Measurements Of Protein Relaxational Dynamics. Proceedings Of The Ieee 95 (2007): 1605-1610. doi:10.1109/JPROC.2007.898906.
Markelz, Andrea G, Joseph R Knab, Jing-Yin Chen, John Č erne, and William A Cox. Tagless And Universal Biosensor For Point Detection Of Pathogens. Terahertz For Military And Security Applications Ii. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2004. doi:
Knab, Joseph R, Jing-Yin Chen, Shuji Ye, Yunfen He, and Andrea G Markelz. Protein Conformational Dynamics Measured With Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy. 2006 Joint 31St International Conference On Infrared Millimeter Waves And 14Th International Conference On Teraherz Electronics. IEEE, 2006. doi:
Knab, Joseph, Binni Shah, Jing-Yin Chen, and Andrea Markelz. Critical Hydration And Temperature Effects On Terahertz Biomolecular Sensing. Chemical And Biological Standoff Detection Iii. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2005. doi:10.1117/12.630854.