Current Member

Amandine Tirino

Research Project and Activities: 
I am engaged in methods to prepare protein crystal samples, inhibitor binding studies, and demonstrating how vibrations in lysozyme molecules change with inhibitor binding. * 2023 Celebration of Student Academic Excellence Student Showcase (See Activities link above)

Cyrus Clabeaux

Research Project and Activities: 
Microscopy of protein crystals.

David Andrzejewski

Research Project and Activities: 
Thin film processing of photoconductive antennas for THz generation • photolithography • thin film metallization • packaging on printed circuit board (PCB) • electrical and optical characterization in a THz micro-spectroscopy system Far-field terahertz and anisotropic terahertz microspectroscopy (ATM) • used THz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) • single crystal sucrose sample preparation • microspectroscopy of sucrose samples

Jiri Prusa

Alexander Mcnulty-Romaguera

Robert Thompson

Research Project and Activities: 
OCP optical characterization

Dr. Jeffrey McKinney

Research Project and Activities: 
I am spearheading an effort to express, purify and crystallize protein targets for the Markelz lab, which is studying biomolecular dynamics using a variety of tools. In particular, terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) to measure protein intramolecular vibrations, solvent dielectric response, crystal phonons and electronic excitations.

Dr. Deepu George

PhD Conferred: 

Prof. Andrea Markelz

Research Project and Activities: 
Principal investigator for the group. We have two main lines of research: protein dynamics and collective electronic excitations. We study these phenomena with THz light and molecular dynamics simulation.

Dr. Tim LaFave Jr.

Research Project and Activities: 
My projects and activities involve THz instrumentation development including compact anisotropy spectroscopy using a variety of THz sources and detectors, use of a molecular CO2 gas laser and FTIR for optical measurements and texting. I also use Ansys HFSS to model optical systems and the current web development character of this group's website. Contact me regarding contributions and corrections to this website.
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