amarkelz's blog

Katie Receives Shirley Chan Travel Award for the 2016 American Physical Society March Meeting

The Division of Biological Physics has awarded Katherine Niessen a Shirley Chan travel award so she may present her talk on the changes in intramolecular dynamics with allosteric mutation and their relationship to the change in catalytic rate.  Congratulations Katie!

Photo of Katie Recieving award from Shirley Chan at the meeting


Katie gets Platform Talk at 2016 Biophysical Society Meeting!!

Katie's abstract was chosen for a platform presentation for the 2016 BPS meeting! She'll be speaking on Wednesday March 2nd 8:30 am in 502B at the LA convention center.

New Paper Published in Biophysical Reviews!

Our article, "Terahertz optical measurements of correlated motions with possible allosteric function," K.A. Niessen, Mengyang Xu and A.G. Markelz, Biophysical Reviews, 7, p 201-216 (2015). is now out. It includes several discussions on relating the terahertz spectra of proteins to the internal motions.  In particular we introduce the idea of decomposing the vast vibrational density of states into essential motions. 

Mengyang awarded the SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship !!!

Mengyang Xu was awarded the SPIE - the international society for optics and photonics Education Scholarship yesterday!  We are so proud of Mengyang and his work. Well done! 

Nigel is awarded the 2014 Sekula Scholarship!!

Congratulations to Nigel Michki for winning the 2014 Dr. Stanley T. Sekula Memorial Scholarship!

Here is Nigel setting up temperature profiling with Prof. Snell at HWI and forgetting about NOT putting a plastic bag over his head :)


Mengyang presents invited talk at 2014 IRMMW and THz Waves!

Mengyang presented an invited talk on his studies of the relationship between fluorescent protein flexibility and photostability, "Probing The Stability Of Fluorescent Proteins By Terahertz Spectroscopy" at the 39th Int. Conf. on Infrared, Millimeter, and THz Waves
September 14-19, 2014 The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ


Katie wins Best Student Paper at the2014 IRMMTHz Wave Conference

Congratulations to Katie for winning the student paper prize at the 39th Int. Conf. on Infrared, Millimeter, and THz Waves 2014 held at The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ!! Katie gave an invited paper oral presentation on her work
"Measurements and Calculations of Protein Intramolecular Vibrations in the THz Range"


Exceptional Scholar and Teaching Innovation Award!!!

Prof. Markelz is a recipient of the University at Buffalo's 2014 Exceptional Scholar and Teaching Innovation Award!


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