3.06. Streaking Agar Plates with E. Coli

  1. Select 5 isolated colonies from a plate. Circle the colonies and label them 1-5.
  2. Sterilize an inoculating loop with a flame by holding the loop in the flame until red hot.
  3. Allow the inoculating loop to cool. To make sure that loop is cool enough, gently touch the surface of the agar plate near the edge. If the agar sizzles, the loop is not cool enough.
  4. Once the loop has cooled, gently touch the loop to the first colony being careful not to touch any other colonies with the loop.
  5. Streak back and forth in the rst quadrant of the agar plate. See arrow 1 in Figure 3b. Streak gently to not gauge the agar.
  6. Flame the loop.
  7. Streak the plate by dragging the loop from the rst quadrant to the second quadrant of the plate four times. See arrow 2 in Figure 3b.
  8. Flame the loop again.
  9. Streak the plate by dragging the loop from the second quadrant to the third quadrant of the plate four times. See arrow 3 in Figure 3b.
  10. Flame the loop again.
  11. Streak the plate by dragging the loop from the third quadrant to the fourth quadrant of the plate four times. See arrow 4 in Figure 3b.
  12. Flame the loop again.
  13. Streak the place by dragging the loop from the fourth quadrant to the middle of the plate once. See arrow 5 in Figure 3b.
  14. Cover the plate. Wrap para lm around the circumference of the plate to hold the lid.
  15. Store the plate with the lid side down in an incubator.

Refer to the following video for additional assistance (see below): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0heifCiMbfY




Figure 3. A streaked plate after growing overnight.