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Whitmire, S., A. G Markelz, J. R Hillebrecht, and R. R Birge. Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy Of The M Intermediate State Of Bacteriorhodopsin. Proceedings Of The 26Th International Conference On Infrared And Millimeter Waves. Toulouse, France, 2001.
Markelz, Andrea, Scott Whitmire, Jay Hillebrecht, and Robert Birge. Thz Time Domain Spectroscopy Of Biomolecular Conformational Modes. Physics In Medicine & Biology 47 (2002): 3797. doi:
Acbas, G., K. A Niessen, D. K George, E. Snell, and A. G Markelz. Measuring Phonons In Protein Crystals. Ultrafast Phenomena And Nanophotonics Xvii. Bellingham: Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering, 2013. doi:
George, Deepu K, Joseph R Knab, Yunfen He, Masato Kumauchi, Robert R Birge, Wouter D Hoff, and Andrea G Markelz. Photoactive Yellow Protein Terahertz Response: Hydration, Heating And Intermediate States. Ieee Transactions On Terahertz Science And Technology 3 (2013): 288-294. doi: