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Acbas, G., K. A Niessen, D. K George, E. Snell, and A. G Markelz. Measuring Phonons In Protein Crystals. Ultrafast Phenomena And Nanophotonics Xvii. Bellingham: Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering, 2013. doi:
George, Deepu K, Joseph R Knab, Yunfen He, Masato Kumauchi, Robert R Birge, Wouter D Hoff, and Andrea G Markelz. Photoactive Yellow Protein Terahertz Response: Hydration, Heating And Intermediate States. Ieee Transactions On Terahertz Science And Technology 3 (2013): 288-294. doi:
Markelz, Andrea, Scott Whitmire, Jay Hillebrecht, and Robert Birge. Thz Time Domain Spectroscopy Of Biomolecular Conformational Modes. Physics In Medicine & Biology 47 (2002): 3797. doi:
Whitmire, S., A. G Markelz, J. R Hillebrecht, and R. R Birge. Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy Of The M Intermediate State Of Bacteriorhodopsin. Proceedings Of The 26Th International Conference On Infrared And Millimeter Waves. Toulouse, France, 2001.