3.08. Inoculating Liquid Cultures with an Autoclaved Toothpick

  1. Prepare a culture tube with 2 ml of LB with antibiotics.
  2. Uncap the toothpick vial with your little finger.
  3. Tilt the vial so that it is sideways.
  4. Gently shake the toothpick vial so that some of the toothpicks are sticking out of the open end.
  5. Carefully remove a single toothpick with your pointer and index finger.
  6. Holding onto the toothpick, recap the vial.
  7. Gently touch the tip of the toothpick to the rst colony. Make sure that the tip does not touch any other colonies.
  8. Uncap the rst culture tube.
  9. Drop the toothpick into the rst culture tube.
  10. Recap the tube.
  11. Repeat steps 1-10 with the remaining colonies.

The following video provides a good explanation of this process (see below): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XbLrXtWNOk