3.17. Staining Destaining Gels

  1. Remove the inner chamber and pour the bu er solution into the outer chamber.
  2. Remove the glass cassette from the inner chamber.
  3. Using a plastic scraper, carefully separate the planes of glass and remove the gel from the glass.
  4. Use the scraper to chop o the stacking gel.
  5. Use the scraper to chop o the top left corner of the resolving gel.
  6. Place the gel in a container that is large enough to allow the gel to lie flat.
  7. Pour enough stain solution to cover the gel.
  8. Allow the gel to stain overnight on a rocker.
  9. Save the stain solution.
  10. Rinse the gel and container with deionized water.
  11. Place the gel and a rolled up piece of paper towel in the container.
  12. Pour enough destain solution into the container to cover the gel.
  13. Wait until the lines on the gel are visible, then take a picture of the gel.
