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Dhillon, S. S, M. S Vitiello, E. H Linfield, A. G Davies, M. C Hoffmann, J. Booske, C. Paoloni, et al.. The 2017 Terahertz Science And Technology Roadmap. Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics 50 (2017): 49. doi:
Deng, Y., K. Niessen, and A. Markelz. Angular Distortion Removal Of Thz Anisotropic Dichroism Microscope. 2019 44Th International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves. Paris, France, 2019. doi:10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2019.8873793.
Xu, M. Y, K. Niessen, N. Michki, Y. T Deng, E. Snell, and A. G Markelz. Anisotropic Absorption Measurements Reveal Protein Dynamical Transition In Intramolecular Vibrations. 2016 41St International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves. New York: Ieee, 2016. doi:10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2016.7758347.
McKinney, J., Y. T Deng, A. Sharma, D. K George, and A. G Markelz. Anisotropic Terahertz Microscopy Of Protein Collective Vibrations: Crystal Symmetry And Hydration Dependence. 2019 44Th International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves. New York: Ieee, 2019. doi:
Deng, Y. T, J. McKinney, and A. Markelz. Deuteration And Inhibitor Binding Dependence Of Protein Collective Vibrations. Biophysical Journal 116 (2019): 488A-488A. doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2018.11.2633.
Markelz, A. G, J.-Y. Chen, J. R Knab, Y. He, and S. Ye. Development Of Tagless Biosensors For Detecting The Presence Of Pathogens. In Terahertz Frequency Detection And Identification Of Materials And Objects, ed X.-C. Zhang, R. E. Miles, H. Eisele and A. Krotkus:123-134. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 2007.
Wolpert, D, K Korolev, S Sachs, J Knab, W Cox, J Cerne, A.G Markelz, T Zhao, R Ramesh, and B.H Moeckly. Direct Measurements Of Optical Phonons In Srtio3 Nanosystems. Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems And Nanostructures 19, no. 1 (2003): 236 - 239. doi:10.1016/S1386-9477(03)00305-9.
McKinney, J. A, Y. T Deng, D. George, and A. Markelz. The Effect Of Crystal Contact Forces On The Protein Global Motions. Biophysical Journal 116 (2019): 489A-489A. doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2018.11.2638.
Asmar, N. G, A. G Markelz, E. G Gwinn, P. F Hopkins, and A. C Gossard. Energy Relaxation At Thz Frequencies In Alxga1-Xas Heterostructures. Semiconductor Science And Technology 9 (1994): 828-830. doi:10.1088/0268-1242/9/5S/116.
He, Yunfen, J-Y Chen, Joseph R Knab, Wenjun Zheng, and Andrea G Markelz. Evidence Of Protein Collective Motions On The Picosecond Timescale. Biophysical Journal 100 (2011): 1058-1065. doi:
Craig, K., C. L Felix, J. N Heyman, A. G Markelz, M. S Sherwin, K. L Campman, P. F Hopkins, and A. C Gossard. Far-Infrared Saturation Spectroscopy Of A Single Square-Well. Semiconductor Science And Technology 9 (1994): 627-629. doi:10.1088/0268-1242/9/5S/061.
Wolpert, D., W. Cox, J. Cerne, A. Markelz, T. Zhao, and R. Ramesh. Finite Size Effects In Ferroelectric Nanosystems: Absence Of Mode Softening. 2003 Nanotechnology Conference And Trade Show - Nanotech. San Francisco, CA, 2003.
George, D. K, J. Y Chen, Yunfen He, J. R Knab, and A. G Markelz. Functional-State Dependence Of Picosecond Protein Dynamics. J. Phys. Chem. B 125, no. 40 (2021): 11134-11140. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c05018.
Markelz, A. G. High Field Pulsed Terahertz Measurements Of Nonlinear Conductivity. Nonlinear Optics: Materials, Fundamentals, And Applications. Kaua'i-Lihue, HI, USA, 2000. doi:10.1109/NLO.2000.883591.
Lipps, F., S. Levy, and A. G Markelz. Hydration And Temperature Interdependence Of Protein Picosecond Dynamics. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (2012): 6375-6381. doi:
Knab, Joseph, Jing-Yin Chen, and Andrea Markelz. Hydration Dependence Of Conformational Dielectric Relaxation Of Lysozyme. Biophysical Journal 90 (2006): 2576-2581. doi:10.1529/biophysj.105.069088.
Ye, S. J, and A. Markelz. Hydration Effects On Energy Relaxation Of Ferric Cytochrome C Films After Soret-Band Photoexcitation. Journal Of Physical Chemistry B 114 (2010): 15151-15157. doi:10.1021/jp104217j.
Stier, A. V, D. George, A. G Markelz, and J. Cerne. Magneto Optical Polarization Measurements Using Thz Polarization Modulation Spectroscopy. 2011 36Th International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves. New York: Ieee, 2011. doi:10.1364/JOSAB.29.001406.
Niessen, K. A, E. Snell, and A. G Markelz. Measurements And Calculations Of Protein Intramolecular Vibrations In The Thz Range. 2014 39Th International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves. New York: Ieee, 2014. doi:10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2014.6956080.
Acbas, G., K. A Niessen, D. K George, E. Snell, and A. G Markelz. Measuring Phonons In Protein Crystals. Ultrafast Phenomena And Nanophotonics Xvii. Bellingham: Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering, 2013. doi:
Markelz, A. G, J.-Y. Chen, J. R Knab, and M. Maeder. Measuring Protein Flexibility With Terahertz Spectroscopy: Basic Research And Applications. Proceedings Of The Ieee Leos Summer Topical Meeting. San Diego, CA, 2004. doi:10.1109/LEOSST.2004.1338649.
Singh, R., D. K George, C. J Bae, K. A Niessen, and A. G Markelz. Modulated Orientation-Sensitive Terahertz Spectroscopy. Photonics Research 4 (2016): A1-A8. doi:
Ellis, C. T, A. V Stier, D. K George, J. G Tischler, E. R Glaser, R. L Myers-Ward, J. L Tedesco, et al.. Multi-Component Response In Multilayer Graphene Revealed Through Terahertz And Infrared Magneto-Spectroscopy. 37Th International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves. Wollongong, Australia, 2012. doi:10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2012.6380102.
Acbas, G., K. A Niessen, E. H Snell, and A. G Markelz. Optical Measurements Of Long-Range Protein Vibrations. Nature Communications 5 (2014): 7. doi:
Acbas, G., E. Snell, and A. G Markelz. Orientation Sensitive Terahertz Resonances Observed In Protein Crystals. 2012 37Th International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves. New York: Ieee, 2012. doi:
Morris, D. E, C. T Hultgren, A. M Markelz, J. YT Wei, N. G Asmar, and J. H Nickel. Oxygen Concentration Effect On Tc Of The Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu-O Superconductor. Physical Review B 39 (1989): 6612-6614. doi: .
Romo, T. D, A. Grossfield, and A. G Markelz. Persistent Protein Motions In A Rugged Energy Landscape Revealed By Normal Mode Ensemble Analysis. Journal Of Chemical Information And Modeling 60 (2020): 6419-6426. doi:10.1021/acs.jcim.0c00879.
Markelz, A. G, and D. M Mittleman. Perspective On Terahertz Applications In Bioscience And Biotechnology. Acs Photonics 9 (2022): 1117-1126. doi:10.1021/acsphotonics.2c00228.
George, Deepu K, Joseph R Knab, Yunfen He, Masato Kumauchi, Robert R Birge, Wouter D Hoff, and Andrea G Markelz. Photoactive Yellow Protein Terahertz Response: Hydration, Heating And Intermediate States. Ieee Transactions On Terahertz Science And Technology 3 (2013): 288-294. doi:
Xu, M., D. George, R. Jimenez, and A. Markelz. Photo-Switching Of Protein Dynamical Collectivity. Photonics 8 (2021). doi:10.3390/photonics8080302.
Xu, M. Y, D. K George, R. Jimenez, and A. G Markelz. Probing The Stability Of Fluorescent Proteins By Terahertz Spectroscopy. 2014 39Th International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves. New York: Ieee, 2014. doi:
Knab, Joseph R, Jing-Yin Chen, Shuji Ye, Yunfen He, and Andrea G Markelz. Protein Conformational Dynamics Measured With Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy. 2006 Joint 31St International Conference On Infrared Millimeter Waves And 14Th International Conference On Teraherz Electronics. IEEE, 2006. doi:
George, D. K, and A. G Markelz. Protein Dielectric Response At Terahertz Frequencies: Correlated And Diffusive Contributions. In Terahertz Biomedical Science And Technology. Vol. edited by Joo Huik Son . Taylor and Francis , 2014. doi:10.1201/b17060 .
Markelz, Andrea G, Joseph R Knab, Jing Yin Chen, and Yunfen He. Protein Dynamical Transition In Terahertz Dielectric Response. Chemical Physics Letters 442, no. 4 (2007): 413 - 417. doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2007.05.080.
Sharma, A., D. K George, K. Crossen, J. McKinney, C. Kerfeld, and A. Markelz. Is The Protein Dynamical Transition Useful?. Biophysical Journal 118, no. 3 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2019.11.2866.
Markelz, A. G, J. R Knab, and J. Y Chen. Protein Dynamics Studies Using Terahertz Dielectric Response. Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society 230 (2005): U347-U348. doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2007.05.080.
Markelz, A. G, N. G Asmar, and E. G Gwinn. Relaxation Times In Inas/Alsb Quantum Wells . Applied Physics Letters 72 (1998). doi:10.1063/1.121377.
He, Yunfen, and Andrea G Markelz. The Role Of Structure In The Protein Dynamical Transition. 2008 33Rd International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter And Terahertz Waves. IEEE, 2008. doi:
Liang, W., Y. F He, D. George, and A. G Markelz. The Role Of The Protein Surface On The Local Biological Water Dynamics. Biosensing Ii. Bellingham: Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering, 2009. doi:
Morris, D. E, R. M Kuroda, A. G Markelz, J. H Nickel, and J. YT Wei. Small Oxygen Isotope Shift In Yba2Cu3O7. Physical Review B 37 (1988): 5936-5939. doi:10.1103/physrevb.37.5936.
Deng, Y. T, J. McKinney, T. Romo, A. Grossfield, and A. Markelz. Spectral Assignment Of Lysozyme Collective Vibrations. Biophysical Journal 116 (2019): 564A-564A. doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2018.11.3032.
McKinney, J., A. Sharma, Y. Deng, D. George, S. Lechno-Yossef, C. Kerfeld, and A. Markelz. Stabilization Of Terahertz Vibrational Modes In Illuminated Orange Carotenoid Protein Crystals. 2020 45Th International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves (Irmmw-Thz). Buffalo, NY, 2020. doi:10.1109/IRMMW-THz46771.2020.9370827.
LaFave, Jr., T., D. K George, A. G Markelz, Ian McNee, Vladimir Kozlov, and Peter Schunemann. Stationary Sample Anisotropic Thz Spectroscopy Using Discretely Tunable Thz Sources. 2019 44Th International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves, 2019. doi:
Markelz, A. G, N. G Asmar, E. G Gwinn, M. S Sherwin, C. Nguyen, and H. Kroemer. Subcubic Power Dependence Of 3Rd-Harmonic Generation For Inplane, Far-Infrared Excitation Of Inas Quantum-Wells. Semiconductor Science And Technology 9 (1994): 634-637. doi:
Markelz, Andrea G, Joseph R Knab, Jing-Yin Chen, John Č erne, and William A Cox. Tagless And Universal Biosensor For Point Detection Of Pathogens. Terahertz For Military And Security Applications Ii. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2004. doi:
Markelz, A. G, and S. E Whitmire. Terahertz Applications To Biomolecular Sensing. International Journal Of High Speed Electronics And Systems 13, no. 4 (2003). doi:10.1142/S0129156403002101.
Markelz, Andrea G, and Scott E Whitmire. Terahertz Applications To Biomolecular Sensing. International Journal Of High Speed Electronics And Systems 13 (2003): 951-967. doi:
Chen, J.-Y., W. Cox, F. V Bright, J. Cerne, and A. G Markelz. Terahertz Biosensors Based On Xerogel Substrates. Proceedings Of The International Symposium On Spectral Sensing Research. Santa Barbara, CA, 2003.
Chen, J. Y, J. R Knab, S. J Ye, Y. F He, and A. G Markelz. Terahertz Dielectric Assay Of Solution Phase Protein Binding. Applied Physics Letters 90 (2007): 3. doi:10.1063/1.2748852.
Markelz, Andrea G. Terahertz Dielectric Sensitivity To Biomolecular Structure And Function. Ieee Journal Of Selected Topics In Quantum Electronics 14 (2008): 180-190. doi:
Markelz, A. G. Terahertz / Far Infrared Spectroscopy: Protein Dynamics. In Encyclopedia Of Biophysics. Vol. ed. Gordon C. K. Roberts. Springer, 2012.
Deng, Yanting, Mengyang Xu, Katherine A Niessen, Deepu Koshy George, and Andrea G Markelz. Terahertz Light Fingerprints Biomolecular Dynamics. Cleo: Science And Innovations. Optical Society of America, 2018. doi:
Knab, Joseph R, Jing-Yin Chen, Yunfen He, and Andrea G Markelz. Terahertz Measurements Of Protein Relaxational Dynamics. Proceedings Of The Ieee 95 (2007): 1605-1610. doi:10.1109/JPROC.2007.898906.
Niessen, Katherine A, Mengyang Xu, and A. G Markelz. Terahertz Optical Measurements Of Correlated Motions With Possible Allosteric Function. Biophysical Reviews 7 (2015): 201-216. doi:
Niessen, K. A, M. Xu, and A. G Markelz. Terahertz Optical Measurements Of Correlated Motions With Possible Allosteric Function. Biophysical Journal 7 (2015): 201–216. doi:10.1007/s12551-015-0168-4.
Song, J. W, N. A Kabir, Y. Kawano, K. Ishibashi, G. R Aizin, L. Mourokh, J. L Reno, A. G Markelz, and J. P Bird. Terahertz Response Of Quantum Point Contacts. Applied Physics Lettersapplied Physics Lettersapplied Physics Letters 92 (2008): 3. doi:
Falconer, Robert J, and Andrea G Markelz. Terahertz Spectroscopic Analysis Of Peptides And Proteins. Journal Of Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves 33 (2012): 973-988. doi:
George, D. K, and A. G Markelz. Terahertz Spectroscopy Of Liquids And Biomolecules. In Terahertz Spectroscopy And Imaging, 229-250. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2013. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29564-5_9.
Whitmire, S., A. G Markelz, J. R Hillebrecht, and R. R Birge. Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy Of The M Intermediate State Of Bacteriorhodopsin. Proceedings Of The 26Th International Conference On Infrared And Millimeter Waves. Toulouse, France, 2001.
Wanke, M. C, A.G. Markelz, K. Unterrainer, S. J Allen, and R. Bhatt. Third Harmonic Generation In A Gaas/Algaas Superlattice In The Bloch Oscillator Regime. Proceedings Of The International Conference On Hot Carriers In Seminconductors. Chicago, IL, 1995.
Wanke, M. C, A. G Markelz, K. Unterrainer, S. J Allen, and R. Bhatt. Third Harmonic Generation In A Gaas/Algaas Superlattice In The Bloch Oscillator Regime. In Hot Carriers In Semiconductors, eds. Hess, Karl, Leburton, J.P., Ravaioli, U.:161-163. New York, NY: Plenum Press, 1996.
George, D. K, A. G Markelz, I. McNee, P. Tekavec, V. Kozlov, and P. Schunemann. Thz Anisotropy Identification Using Tunable Compact Narrow Band Thz Sources. 2018 43Rd International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves. New York: Ieee, 2018. doi:
Markelz, Andrea, Scott Whitmire, Jay Hillebrecht, and Robert Birge. Thz Time Domain Spectroscopy Of Biomolecular Conformational Modes. Physics In Medicine & Biology 47 (2002): 3797. doi:
LaFave, T., A. Lee, T.-Y. Kao, and A. Markelz. Thz Transmission Through Submillimeter Apertures. Irmmw-Thz. Buffalo NY, 2020. doi:10.1109/IRMMW-THz46771.2020.9370923.
George, D. K, T. J LaFave, A. G Markelz, I. McNee, P. Tekavec, V. Kozlov, and P. Schunemann. Tunable Compact Narrow Band Thz Sources For Frequency Domain Thz Anisotropic Spectroscopy. Conference On Next-Generation Spectroscopic Technologies Xii. Baltimore, MD: Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering, 2019. doi:
McNee, I., P. Tekavec, V. Kozlov, A. G Markelz, D. K George, and P. Schunemann. Tunable Narrowband Thz Generation In Orientation Patterned Gallium Phosphide For Thz Anisotropy Identification. Nonlinear Frequency Generation And Conversion: Materials And Devices Xviii. Bellingham: Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering, 2019. doi:
Ye, S., J. Knab, J.-Y. Chen, S. Wang, M. Cheon, H. Luo, and A. G Markelz. Ultrafast Carriers Dynamics In Gasb/Mn Random Alloys. Proceedings Of The 28Th International Conference On The Physics Of Semiconductors. Vienna Austria, 2006. doi:10.1063/1.2730382.
Chen, J.-Y., S. E Whitmire, A. G Markelz, J. R Hillebrecht, and R. R Birge. Ultrafast Thz Spectroscopy Of Photoactive Biomolecules. Ultrafast Phenomena In Semiconductors Vii. San Jose, California, 2003.
Chen, J.-Y., J. R Knab, S. Ye, Y. He, and A. G Markelz. Using Terahertz Spectroscopy As A Protein Binding Assay. Advanced Biomedical And Clinical Diagnostic Systems Iv;. San Jose, California, United States, 2006. doi:10.1117/12.664098.